Apps Development (beta)

Custom IML Functions

IMPORTANT: IML functions are disabled by default. If you need to write you own function, please, contact us.

NOTE: Please read about Integromat Markup Language first.

IML Functions is a powerful feature, that allows you to write your own JavaScript functions and execute them inside IML expressions to process data.

All built-in IML functions + your custom IML functions are available for you to use inside you own custom functions. You can access them in the iml namespace like this: iml.parseDate(). List of built-in IML functions is available here.

Only JavaScript built-in objects + Buffer are available for you to use. You can use all features of ES 6, like arrow functions, destructuring, etc…


Here we implement a function in JavaScript.

function processItem(item) {
    // You can do any sorts of computation here and then return the result
    return {
        created: iml.parseDate(item.created_at),
        username: item.username.toLowerCase(),
        fullName: `${item.firstName} ${item.lastName}`

Now we are able to use it in IML:

    "url": "/users",
    "response": {
        "output": "{{processItem(item)}}"